The Dee voltage of the RF cavity in cyclotron HIRFL-SFC is not high enough when resonance frequency is8.536 MHz. By repeatedly measuring and adjusting the parameters of the cavity and transmitter tank circuit, Deevoltage can only be added to 40 kV, which doesn't meet the physical requirement of 80 kV.One output port of the RF divider is open circuit in the process of inspection which was discovered occasionally.SFC signal comes from the SSC,which is divided into two (see Fig. 1) , but the one open suspension through 4.4m 50 Ω coaxial cable and don't connect the load. After removing the cable from the divider, the Dee voltage ofSFC could be added to 70 kV easily. At the same time the value of amplitude stability gain is lower than usual, theinput signal amplitude that is too high. The value changes from 240 to 440 mV when measuring the input signalwith an oscilloscope, the reason is caused by 4.4 m terminal open line. The analysis and conclusions are as follows.