Objective Toexplorethedifferenceofquantitativeelectroencephalography(QEEG)wavefrequenciesof simpleschizophrenia(SS)anddepression.Methods FromOctober2012tomay2013,inWuximentalHealthCenter,30 depression patients( DP group),30 SS patients( SS group),30 healthy subjects( control group) were included in this study. The 3 groups had QEEG testing. The EEG frequency bands were divided intoδ(0.8-4.0 Hz),θ(4.0-7.8 Hz),α(7.8-12.8 Hz),β(13.0-20.0 Hz). We compared the wave band powers of δ,θ,α,β frequency bands FP1,FP2,F3, F4,F7,F8,T3,T4,T5,T6,C3,C4,P3,P4,O1,O2among3groups.Results Therewassignificantdifferencein the wave band power of δ frequency bands FP1,FP2,F3,F4,F7,F8,T3,C3,C4,P3,P4,O1,O2(P ﹤0.05), higher in SS group than in control group,those of FP1,FP2,F4,C3,C4,P4,O2 higher in DP group than in control group, those of FP1,FP2,F3,F7 higher in SS group than in DP group(P﹤0.05). There was significant difference in the wave band powers of θ frequency band F3,F7,F8,P4,O2 among 3 groups(P﹤0.05),those of F3,F7,F8,P4,O2 higher in SS group than in control group,that of F8 higher in DP group than in control group(P﹤0.05). There was difference in the wave band powers of α frequency band FP1,FP2,F3,F4,F7,F8,T3,T4,T5 among 3 groups(P ﹤0.05),those of FP1, FP2,F3,F4,F7,T3,T4,T5 lower in SS group than in control group,those of FP2,F4,F8 lower in DP group than in con-trol group(P﹤0.05). There was difference in the wave band powers of β frequency band FP1,FP2,F3,F4,F7,F8,O2 among 3 groups(P﹤0.05),those of FP1,FP2,F3,F4,O2 higher in SS group than in control group,those of FP1,FP2, F3,F4,F7,F8higherinDPgroupthanincontrolgroup(P﹤0.05).Conclusion ThereisobviousdifferenceinQEEGin-dicators between patients with depression,SS. QEEG is of great value in differential diagnosis of depression and SS.