Vehicular pollution is becoming significant in urban areas because of increasing population. This is at ground level, so it gives high population exposure. In this study, Chembur, which is the most polluted area in Mumbai city due to industrial and vehicular sources, is selected for vehicular pollution modeling using AMS/EPA Regulatory Model (AERMOD). Meteorological parameters, land use surface characteristics and source emission data are collected as required by AERMOD. The results of modelling depend upon reliability of input data and meteorological data has a vital role in the performance of the model. Generally, temporally and spatially interpolated meteorological data is used in modeling. This is generally collected from nearby meteorological station but this causes inaccuracy of the results. In this paper, the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model has been used to generate onsite data on nine meteorological parameters. The modeling of six roads of Chembur has been performed using above meteorological data. This approach gives good results of traffic modeling. The results of AERMOD are compared with observed air quality which has contribution from all sources in the region and relative contribution of vehicular sources identified.