The lymph node is the revelation mode of several pathology. In tropical area, their etiology are dominated by tuberculosis and hemopathy. Some etiology such as histiocytosis are rarely mentioned. We report two cases of Rosai-Dorfman-Destombes disease. The first observation concerned a patient of 45 years without pathological antecedent, who had a inguinal and cervical tumoral lymph nodes. This evolved in a feverish poor general condition. Infection research was negative. Morphological explorations found deep lymph nodes. The excision biopsy examination concluded to Rosai-Dorfman-Destombes disease. The second observation concerned a patient of 40 years without pathological antecedent, who had a chronic non-inflammatory left supra-collarbone lymph node, associated with poor general condition and fever. X-ray showed mediastinal lymph nodes and ultra-sonography showed mesenteric lymph nodes, and latero-aortic lymph nodes. The examination of the excision biopsy was for Rosai Dorfman Destombes disease. The difficulty of diagnosis in our regions based on technical tray lack and our patients financial limits. Also this disease is rarely mentioned first. This is often the source of considerable diagnostic delay noted in our two patients and therefore the initiation of an untimely anti-tuberculosis treatment.