Salt stress on cotton varieties of distinct salinity tolerance can induce expression of different proteins. Zhong 07, a salt-tolerant variety and Zhong s9612, a salt-sensitive variety, were utilized as experimental materials. The leaves of trefoil seedlings treated with or without 0.4% NaCl for 24 h were harvested for whole-protein extraction. Two-dimensional technology, combined with mass spectroscopy (MS) analysis and protein database searching, was employed to detect differentially expressed proteins and determine their identities and biological functions. Compared with the control, Zhong 07 showed 10 differentially expressed proteins under salt stress, of which 6 were upregulated and 4 were downregulated. Meanwhile, 12 differentially expressed proteins were detected in Zhong s9612 under salt stress, of which 10 were upregulated and 2 were downregulated. In the matrix-assisted laser desorption-ionization/time of flight-time of flight/MS analysis, 14 differentially expressed proteins were successfully identified, including the ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisco) large subunit-binding protein subunit alpha (RuBisco α), luminal binding protein (LBP), heat shock protein 70 (Hsp1, 2, 3), pathogenesis-related protein class 10 (PR-10), quinoneoxidoreductase-like protein (QOR), S-adenosylmethioninesyn-thetase (SAMS), enolase (EN), and RuBisco large subunit-binding protein subunit beta (RuBisco β). Cellular function is ultimately executed by proteins, and cotton varieties with different salt tolerance can be influenced by salt stress to various degrees, which can provide certain theoretical foundation for the identification of salt tolerance of cotton varieties. The findings also provide some proteins, such as the RuBisco large subunit binding proteins α and β subunits, OEE2 protein, HSP70, and S-adenosylmethionine synthetase, which can be used as protein markers of salt-to-lerance before- and post-treatment, making a big difference in salt-tolerance identification in cotton.