Two additional solutions of new shear-horizontal surface acoustic waves (SH-SAWs) are found in this theoretical report. The SH-SAW propagation is managed by the free surface of a solid when it has a direct contact with a vacuum. The studied smart solid represents the transversely isotropic piezoelectromagnetic (magnetoelectroelastic or MEE) medium that pertains to crystal symmetry class 6 mm. In the developed theoretical treatment, the solid surface must be mechanically free. Also, the magnetic and electrical boundary conditions at the common interface between a vacuum and the solid surface read: the magnetic and electrical displacements must continue and the same for the magnetic and electrical potentials. To obtain these two new SH-SAW solutions, the natural coupling mechanisms such as eμ-hα and εμ-α2 present in the coefficient of the magnetoelectromechanical coupling (CMEMC) can be exploited. Based on the obtained theoretical results, it is possible that a set of technical devices (filters, sensors, delay lines, lab-on-a-chip, etc.) based on smart MEE media can be developed. It is also blatant that the obtained theoretical results can be helpful for the further theoretical and experimental studies on the propagation of the plate SH-waves and the interfacial SH-waves in the MEE (composite) media. The most important issue can be the influence of the magnetoelectric effect on the SH-wave propagation. One must also be familiar with the fact that the surface, interfacial, and plate SH-waves can frequently represent a common tool for nondestructive testing and evaluation of surfaces, interfaces, and plates, respectively.