Two field experiments were carried out at the experimental station of National Research Centre, Al-Nubaria District, El-Behira Governorate, Egypt during winter seasons of 2011/2012 and 2012/2013 to study the effect of potassium soil application at the rates (0, 50, 75 and 100 kg/fed.) with or without chelated zinc foliar application 5% at the rate of (0.03 kg/fed.) on the yield and quality of two flax varieties (Sakha-2 and Amon) in newly reclaimed sandy soil. The obtained results could be summarized as follow: Sakha-2 variety significantly surpassed Amon in plant height, technical length, number of branches/plant, seed yield/plant, straw yield/plant, 1000 seed weight, seed yield/fed., straw yield/fed., fiber %, fiber yield/fed. and oil yield/fed. Amon variety surpassed Sakha-2 in fruiting zone length, number of capsules/plant and oil % in both seasons. Potassium soil application at the rate of (100 kg/fed.) with chelated zinc foliar application 5% at the rate of (0.03 kg/fed.) gave the highest value for all studied characters.