Asmari anticline is a NW-SE fold in the Dezful Embayment sub-basin of Zagros. Fars group (Late Moicene-Quaternary) is cropping out in the cores of anticlines in this area, but Pabdeh and Asmari formations (Oligocene-Early Miocene) have cropped out only in Asmari anticline in the Dezful Embayment. Therefore, it has formed a unique exposure for above formations. In order to this situation, folding mechanism of Asmari anticline has investigated in this research. According to our?results, Asmari anticline has two mechanisms: flexural-slip in post-Cretaceous sequences?(Khami-Quaternary) and fault-bend folding in pre-Cretaceous sequences. So, there is a hybrid folding mechanism that has introduced for the first time in this paper.