Little is known about the full impacts of marine litter, especially in the open ocean where there is almost no information. The ocean is a vital source of nourishment, especially to the people in the world’s poorest nations. Many depend on fish for their source of protein;fisheries and aquaculture support the livelihoods of about 540 million people directly or indirectly?[1]. Overfishing, loss of biodiversity and possible extinction of species put stress on these limited resources. Some beaches are already closed to public because the water is unsuitable for bathing and beach is covered with litters of plastics, discharge of sewage, agricultural run-off, and discharge of nutrients and pesticides accounts for approximately 80% of marine pollution?[2]. The scenario is not different in Nigeria as there are reported cases of major industries such as fertilizer and petrochemical and oil producing companies that have polluted the marine environment in recent times. Therefore, this paper advocates by way of education and enlightenment to the populace the myriad of problems associated with marine pollution in the Nigerian coastal waters. Some suggested solution includes education, laws and collaboration amongst organization to create a sustainable marine ecosystem in Nigeria.