As in many towns of African countries, the waste management, in particularly solid constitutes a major problem for the municipal authorities of Maradi. The aim of this study is to make a diagnosis of the present system of waste management in the town of Maradi. To achieve this goal, interviews with municipal authorities, cleaning up and health technicians have been made, as well as investigations among households. According to the health technicians of the town, the causes due to the problem of waste management in Maradi town are: collecting capatown insufficient, lack of effective sensitization of people, undeveloped and uncontrolled rubbish dumps, lack of gutter and its maintenance, and insufficient and unqualified human resources. As to the authorities, they denounce always the attitude and the behavior of citizens on the waste issue. The waste evacuation is done by municipal collecting or by depositing in wild rubbish dump. Some people eliminate their waste by burning or duping in the streets or in their houses. According to our investigations, 52% of population evacuates their waste daily. The satisfaction rate of municipal collecting is for 32%. The analysis showed that the present system of waste management in Maradi town was failing. As to solutions, we proposed to equip the technical offices with appropriated material and financial means, reinforce the involved actor’s capacities and make in application the operatives regulations for the waste management.