In this article, a novel speculative method is used to derive the relativistic mechanic that governs the motion of the vibrating string within the compactified-dimensions spacetime. This mechanic claims that the relativistic mechanic of the special relativity should be only valid for the motion within the familiar four-dimensional spacetime. However, our novel mechanic is valid for the motion within the compactified-dimensions spacetime predicted by the string theory. The equations of this new mechanic show that the vibrating string can move within the compactified dimensions in a speed that is faster than light. It is also shown that this new relativistic mechanic goes to the classical Newtonian mechanic whenever the speed of the vibrating string is much less than the speed of light. Since the proposed mechanic does not prohibit the existence faster than light motion, it may uncover some of the mysteries regarding the string theory, such as the existence of tachyon and time travel. The main goal of this paper is to show that the motion within the compactified-dimensions spacetime obeys a different relativistic mechanic that will provide a startling and revolutionary perspective on the universe and answer some of the fundamental questions posed in the modern physics.