Bidkhan region has an area of approximately 104 km2. This region includes all the heights and villages that are known by the name of Bidkhan. Chemical nomenclature of igneous rocks is performed with the help of main oxide plots. Based on the analysis results of the samples with minimum alteration, position of these samples was obtained on special diagrams. The achieved data should be compatible with field evidences at a regional scale. There are some limits to the interpretation of the harvested samples on chemical nomenclature diagrams for igneous rocks that should be taken into account. Lithology of Bidkhan region was performed using the main oxides that were obtained from XRF method. 30 sample rocks, which were very fresh and without alteration, were used for drawing diagrams and determining the position of these regional rocks on the chemical nomenclature diagrams for igneous rocks. The results for the analysis of the main oxides of these 30 samples are also presented.