In recent years, sinusoidal waveform of the current and voltage disturbs in the electrical distribution system because of the due to the increasing number of non-linear loads. Many standards of IEC and IEEE standards have been published in order to limit the voltage and current waveform distortion. The operators of the electricity distribution network widely use the power quality monitoring systems at the point of common connection (PCC). It has been identified that there are substantial number of harmonic currents excess of the standards transferred to the grid according to the data obtained from power quality monitoring systems. In case of exceeding the limits specified in the standards, there is a need to determine the network and customer responsibilities for the implementation of required sanctions. In this study, using recorded data at the PCC of a medium voltage electrical distribution system, voltage and current harmonic distortion responsibilities of the network and customer are determined by the improved harmonic current vector method. Up-to-date load model based on field measurement which provides more accurate results has been used instead of the constant load impedance in the proposed method.