Multifractal analysis is carried out for the interactions of 4.5 A and 14.5 A GeV/c 28Si beams with emulsion, CNO and AgBr targets using the standard method of Gq moments. The Rényi dimensions Dq are evaluated and the results on self-similar multifractal spectra are presented. The variation of Dq with q is looked into and the findings reveal that the behaviour is in consistency with the multifractal characteristic of the multiplicity distributions in the various interactions studied. The self-similar multifractal spectra are found to be concave downwards with maximum at αq = 0. Further, Lévy stability analysis is carried out for these interactions. The Lévy stability index μ extracted from multifractal spectrum is found to lie in the range [0, 2] in agreement with the Lévy stability theory.