Quantum electrodynamics (QED) is built on the original Dirac equation, an equation that exhibits perfect symmetry in that it is symmetric under charge conjugation (C), space (P) and time (T) reversal and any combination of these discrete symmetries. We demonstrate herein that while the proposed Lorentz invariant Curved Spacetime Dirac Equations (CSTD-equations) obey C, PT and CPT-symmetries, these equations readily violate P, T, CP and CT-symmetries. Realising this violation, namely the T and CT-violation, we take this opportunity to suggest that the Curved Spacetime Dirac Equations may help in solving the long standing riddle and mystery of the preponderance of matter over antimatter. We come to the tentative conclusion that if these CSTD-equations are to explain the preponderance of matter over antimatter;then, photons are to be thought of as described by the spherically curved version of this set of equations, while ordinary matter is to be explained by the parabolically and hyperbolically curved spacetime versions of this same set of equations.