AIM: To explore the anticataractogenic potential ofhesperidin, a flavanone, in galactose-induced cataractogenesis.METHODS: In this study, cataract was induced by administeringgalactose enriched food in a set of rats. Effect ofdifferent dosages of hesperidin (25, 50 and 75 mg/kg bodyweight) were administered simultaneously with galactosein prevention of cataract was determined in another set.In both sets of animals, the levels of peroxidation, oxidants(NO and OH), antioxidants (enzymatic: Superoxidedismutase, catalase, glutathione S-transferase, GPx andnon-enzymatic: Reduced glutathione, vitamin E), aldosereductase and sorbitol were determined in the eye lens.In addition, glucose and lipid peroxidation levels were alsotested in serum. The quantitative changes in lens induciblenitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and its expression were alsodetermined using Western blot and real-time polymerasechain reaction analyses.RESULTS: Galactose enriched food produced cataractin both the eye lens as a sequel to elevated serum glucose.Simultaneous administration of hesperidin notonly reduced serum glucose but also prevented cataractdevelopment, through reduced levels of reactive oxygenspecies (NO and OH) and iNOS expression as well aselevated enzymic and non-enzymic antioxidants wereobserved in the eye lens.CONCLUSION: These results indicate the preventive effect of hesperidin against cataract in hyperglycemicrats.