In its development history, man has always tried to be close to nature, and get physical and spiritual help from the nature. According to the development of medical model from the deity worship to modern medical science, a near-nature and ecological therapeutic and recuperative model has been more favored, thus in modern therapeutic environment, proper landscape designs can be combined with effective medical methods to achieve physical and mental immunoregulation and balance using natural and quality climatic factors. This paper introduced the development of natural science and medicinal model in different periods, and analyzed their impact on environment, concluded the benefi ts of therapeutic medicine, and demonstrated the signifi cance of therapeutic environment and landscape healing as the therapeutic factors for facilitating human rehabilitation from the perspective of therapeutic medicine. Taking 'evidence-based design' as the basis of therapeutic environment design, this paper proposed landscape design methods for the therapeutic environment, in order to provide people opportunities for closing to, sharing and participating in the nature, help people to relax physically and psychologically using the positive impact of natural environment on human spirits, relieve their stress, and achieve physical and psychological peace. In addition, the development tendency of therapeutic environment in China was predicted according to the actual conditions of urban society.