Nuclear power is an important part of energy source for human-beings,but the treatment and disposal of nuclear waste is the bottleneck which has been restricting the sustainable development of nuclear power.At present,the Accelerator Driven Subcritical System(ADS)is considered to be the most promising technological approach to solve the problem of nuclear waste.In ADS,the accelerator is used to provide high-energy high-current proton beams,which bombard heavy nuclei to produce spallation exogenous driving and maintaining subcritical reactors,translating long-lived high radionuclides into short-lived or nuclidestable nuclide.ADS regulates the intensity and fast neutron spectrum of the neutron source by adjusting the operating parameters of the accelerator,then regulates the rate of transition of the fissionable/transmissive nuclide in the subcritical reactor,and achieves good neutron economy and transmissive support ratio.