Among the various types of disability that can affect humans, spinal cord injury (SCI) is undoubtedly one of the most devastating. This type of injury is a disruptive incident in the individual’s life, entails significant changes and requires a biopsychosocial adaptation. The following research aims to contribute to the study about the quality of life in individuals with SCI. The sample was composed of 36 individuals with SCI, inpatients of the Portuguese Central Region Center of Rehabilitation Medicine-Rovisco Pais, aged between 20 and 82 years old (M = 53.56, SD = 18.27). Participants completed a sociodemographic and clinical information questionnaire and measures of functioning independence and quality of life. The results indicate that individuals with SCI present a good perception of quality of life, which is promising of psychological adaptation. The results highlight the need for health professionals and family/caregivers to acquire knowledge which facilitates the process of adaptation to the clinical condition consequently contributing to the health and well-being of individuals with SCI.