We present a brief overview of meteorites from the north-eastern India, with a focus on falls, finds, and research developments. To date, out of a total 150 numbers of meteorites fall/find in India (in Meteoritical Bulletin Database), only six meteorites from north-eastern region have received official international recognition from the Nomenclature Committee of the Meteoritical Society. Among these six meteorites, 2 finds and 4 falls, including one ureilite, two H chondrites and three L chondrites. The first meteorite from north-eastern India (Assam L5, Find) was documented in 1846. After a lack of 153 years, the first fall (Sabrum LL6 chondrite) was documented in 1999. The most recent fall is Kamargaon (L6) chondrite in 2015. Intensively researched meteorites of this region are Goalpara and Dergaon. The reported most massive meteorite of north-eastern India is Mahadevpur (H4/5) chondrite, 70.5 kg of total known weight, and the rest are <13 kg of total known weight. The researches on these meteorites from north-east India can be applied to the newly recovered meteorites to understand the astrophysical enigma.