This paper presents a gross examination about Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC) to invigorate the power issues at the distribution level of the electrical system. Nowadays power electronics research has added the importance of power quality studies, for concrete illustration, Custom Power Devices (CPD) and Flexible AC Transmission position (FACTS) devices. The approach offered in this paper utilizes the series and shunt compensator of Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC) to inject a compensation voltage in-phase with the source current over voltage fluctuations. The execution of two structures of UPQC, left-shunt (L-UPQC) and right-shunt (R-UPQC) are investigated under diverse operating conditions based on the fuzzy logic controller to raise the value of power quality of a single feeder distribution system by MATLAB/Simulink programming. Various power quality issues have been analyzed in this study. Finally, the right shunt UPQC is outperformed in this proposed power system.