The inflammatory bowel diseases(IBD) are chronicincurable inflammatory disorders of the gut. Some 10% run a downhill course, requiring emergency medical support and often surgery; another small subset are monogenic, and, threatening pediatric patients, are the challenge of these days. The majority of the IBDs, however, are polygenic low-penetrance diseases, running a lifetime waxing-and-waning course. The prevalent trend is towards a slow worsening and steady cost increase. Each and all drugs of the available arsenal exhibit strengths and weaknesses: Mesalamines are chiefly effectively for mildmoderate colitis, and do not work in Crohn’s; steroids do not control some 40% of the ulcerative colitis cases, and are not indicated for Crohn’s; thiopurines are effective in the maintenance of the IBDs but do not prevent relapses on withdrawal; biologics are still being used empirically(not monitored) causing further increase of their cost over that of hospitalization. Against all these caveats, two simple rules still hold true: Strict adherence maintenance and avoidance of colitogenic drugs. This matter is expanded in this minireview.