This paper studies the distribution features, the chemical elements beyond standards and the influencing factors of shallow groundwater quality in the Guanzhong Basin through the data monitored in the last twenty years. The final purpose is to comprehensively evaluate the divisions of groundwater quality in the Guanzhong Basin. Results show that, the groundwater quality is in good shape, and suitable for drinking. Drinking accounts for 16.02% of the total, most of which are distributed in the lubotan of Weibei. Some come from loess plateau of Qian-Liquan County and some are generated by the industrial pollution of Xingping City. Materials exceeding standards include chloride, sulfate, three nitrogen, fluoride, manganese, iron, hexavalent chromium and so on. The main factors influencing the quality of shallow groundwater include groundwater exploitation, natural background value of special components and precipitation, among which the groundwater exploitation poses the greatest impact. The depth of water is positively correlated with the concentration of sulfate, nitrate and total hardness.