Zarinkamar area is located in northeast of Shahrood, northeast of Iran, between latitudes of 36°37’ - 36°42’ and longitudes of 55°07’ - 55°12’. Different types of igneous rocks have an outcrop on the region. Intrusive igneous rocks include a type of syenite with aegirine pyroxene and the other includes quartz from 5 to 20 percent. Moreover, aegirine syenite, ordinary syenite, and quartz syenite have been injected into Karaj Formation with an age of middle to early Eocene. Also, some parts of trachyte magma have given rise to produce trachyte outcrops after passing the crust and current flows. Studying major and rare elements shows that a magma separation has been caused by separation smelting or a crystal separation. These magmas are alkaline and shoshonites and they have been originated in a continental rift. The magma of Zarinkamar region has been combined with acidic continent crust as it rose to the surface. High amount of Th, and Rb and low amount of Ti, P, Sr, and Ba can prove this hypothesis.