Background: Tumor pathologies of the liver and bile ducts are relatively commonly diagnosed and the primary goal is to differentiate these lesions in the fastest possible time which determines the apropriate method of treatment. Aims and Objectives: Aim of this study is tracking and diagnostic imaging correlation of tumor pathologies of liver and bile ducts and determining the early diagnostic approach. Data obtained from this study are important for treatment procedures and succes of treatment. All cases with liver tumor pathologies from period 2012-2016 were examined with CT and MRI followed by other complementary imaging methods. Methods: CT examination was performed according to standard triple-phase protocol: non-enhanced phase, arterial phase and porto-venous phase, and in some cases with late phase after 5 minutes. In MRI examinations, standard protocol was performed: coronal T2 single-shot fast spin-echo (coronal T2 SSFs), Axial T2 respiratory-triggered fast spin-echo (axial T2-FRE)/or breath-hold fast-recovery fast spin-echo T2 body coil sizes XL, (axial T2-FRFSE-XL), Axial in-phase/out-of-phase, Axial/ coronal three-dimensional liver acquisition with volume acceleration (3D coronal pre lava). Results: For comparation, only patients with liver focal lesions were included in the study, and and patient were examined with both diagnostic imaging modalities (CT and MRI). 168 patients with liver tumor pathologies and biliary tree tumor pathologies are included in the study. Gender ratio was 85 males and 83 female (M/F ratio 1.03:1). Average age of patients was 58.41 years, (minimum age 1.5 years old and maximum 88 years of age). The most frequent age on diagnosis was 61 - 70 years (total of 49 patients or 29.16%). Benign tumors were found with 93 patients (55.35%) and malignant tumors in 79 patients (47.02%). Distribution in liver parenchyma was found in 113 patients (67.26%), while in 49 patients (29.17%) pathology was found in the biliary tract. The most affected liver segment was the fifth segment in 35 pa