Due to the shortage and poor distribution of per capita green space in the city of Mashhad, this descriptive-analytic research emphasized on practical aspects and information collection based on field survey. This study was carried out using SPSS of version 19 (SPSS: the name of a family of computer software that is used for statistical analysis). To study the status of each research component, one sample T-Test was used and for comparison and ranking of research components in all regions and each region, Friedman test was applied. Accordingly, after identifying the parks in district 13 of Mashhad Municipality, six indicators of beauty, security, access, distribution-dispersion, area-scope were prioritized, examined, and analyzed. According to the results of one sample T-Test, the average of beauty component is more than the mean 5. On the other hand, significance level of this component is less than 0.05. According to this average and significance level of the test, it can be concluded with a confidence of over 95% that the status of beauty index is desirable. According to the results of Friedman test in all areas of district 13 of Mashhad Municipality, indexes of beauty, distribution-dispersion, and security are of utmost importance. As well, indexes of access (transportation), available facilities, and area-scope were respectively placed in the fourth to sixth position.