The areas of Bena-Bakolobi are located in the eastern part of the Kedougou-Kenieba in layer. This sector contains several deposits of gold, including the mines of Sadiola, complex Gara-Yalea and Gounkoto, gold mines of Tabakoto and the gold deposit of Fekola, all located around the (SMS) Senegalo Malian shear zone. The work carried out is summarized in two parts: The first part is based on the detailed mapping of the Bena and Bakolobi target. It was necessary to make a detailed mapping in order to understand and assess the target. The second part is to determine the term and the litho-structural control of gold mineralization. This study is based on lithology, alteration, structures and mineralization of the two areas. The ultimate purpose is to draw a regolith map for a future research program. Two types of alteration affect the rock formations of the two zones: weathering (supergene) that consists in hematization, limonitisation and the kaolinitization. The hydrothermal alteration consists in albitization, chloritisation, the sericitization, the tourmalinisation, the sulphidation, silicification and carbonation. This paper improves structural and lithological study of gold mineralization in the areas of Bena and Bakolobi. The analysis of the results of the work carried out in the two zones allowed us to have an overview on the geology of these two zones, which are located in the Kédougou-Kéniéba window in the volcano-sedimentary rocks of Proterozoic Formation of Kofi. The lithological and structural studies carried out in the area have demonstrated the relationship between structures and mineralization and/or lithology.