The explosion area of Meshkin Shahr is about 2100 square meters and its mineral site is located in the heights of 2650 meters in Sabalan mountains. This site is situated between Meshkin Shahr and Sabalan villages at about 45 kilometers of the south of Sabalan. In 2009, several geochemical investigations were conducted into this site. The area is covered with volcanites and Eocene sediments which have been interrupted by the intrusions of granodiorite and daciteoids. Volcanites and intrusive rocks have been altered in a zone of about 2 square kilometers. The alteration is more of argillic, silicified and sericite variations, but its severity is extremely diverse. The most severe alteration is observed in the central parts of this zone. Furthermore, limonitization is relatively seen in a wide area of this zone in the figure of veinlets and colonization indicating sulfide mineralization underneath the weathering zone. Secondary minerals are rarely found.