AIM:To examine the association of genetic polymorphisms(-308)G/A TNFα,(+250)A/G Ltα,(+36)A/G TNFR1,(+1663)A/G TNFR2 with the development of primary open angle glaucoma(POAG) among people in Central Russia.METHODS:The study sample included 443 individuals,of which 252 patients with POAG and 191 individuals in the control group.Genotyping of(-308)G/A TNFα,(+250)A/G Ltα,(+36)A/G TNFR1,(+1663)A/G TNFR2 was performed using polymerase chain reaction.The distribution of alleles and genotypes of the studied DNA markers in the groups was examined by 2×2 contingency tables and χ2 with the Yates' s correction for continuity and odds ratios(OR) with 95% confidence intervals(CI).RESULTS:Allele(-308)G TNFα(Р=0.01,OR=1.78,95%CI 1.12-2.85) was identified as a risk factor for POAG.Homozygotes(-308) AA TNFα are at a lowest risk for development of the disease(Р=0.01,OR=0.0005).The following combination of genetic variants of cytokines were associated with a reduced risk of POAG:(+1663)A TNFR2 and(+250)G Ltα(OR=0.34)CONCLUSION:Genetic polymorphisms(-308)G/A TNFα,(+250)A/G Ltα,(+1663)A/G TNFR2 associated with the development of POAG in the population of Central Russia.