A 33 year old male patient has found in the oral cavity tumor with nausea and vomiting after 20 days ago.The patients feel pharyngeal foreign body sensation,occasional sense of suffocation,the oropharyngeal tumor disappeared and foreign body sensation disappeared after swallowing.The patients without angina,no hemoptysis,no hoarseness,no acid reflux symptoms and weight loss phenomenon.The gastroscope showed giant tumor,esophagus smooth surface,visible local gray blue blood vessels,from the entrance of esophagus has been extended to the esophagus from the upper incisors 25cm.The huge polypoid matters originate from the entrance of esophagus,esophageal mucosa prolapse entrance left wall like folds,about 13cm long.Inspecting the electronic laryngoscope:esophageal entrance polypoid tissue after vomiting,spit to form red giant oropharyngeal neoplasm.After the tumor swallowing into the esophagus,checking the laryngeal vestibule,bilateral aryepiglottie fold and pyriform sinus are normal.The pathological sections were diagnosed as fibrous hemangioma by HE staining.