The equivalent diagonal strut models of infill wall mainly include the single strut model and multi-strut model.Firstly,several equivalent strut models and their characteristics are introduced in this paper.Then,model analysis and pushover analysis are carried out on infilled frame models with the aid of the software SAP2000.Two typical single strut models and a typical three-strut model are used to simulate the panel of the frames respectively.It is indicated that the period reduction factor of the frame with a three-strut model is close to the value recommended by the current code.The infill wall has great influence on the overall stiffness,bearing capacity and weak position of the structure.The stiffness and the bearing capacity of the infilled frame increase with the increase of the number of the infill walls.The unfilled story is the weak position of the infilled frame,and when the unfilled story at the bottom of the infilled frame,the seismic response of the upper infill layer decreases with the increasing of the number of unfilled story.