Introduction: Describe the diagnostic approach and management of prostate cancer at the medico-surgical center of urology in Douala, Cameroon. Materials and methods: This was a descriptive retrospective study reviewing 100 patient’s records suffering of prostate cancer from January 2011 to December 2015. The studied variables were clinical, paraclinical and therapeutic. Results: The mean age was 65 years with extrems of 50 and 85. Rectal examination was suggestive in 63 cases. 7 patients had a family history. The average PSA rate was 43.23 ng/ml. Histology has concluded to an adenocarcinoma in all patients. The gleason score was equal or greater than to 7 for 53 patients (53%). The extended assessment revealed distant metastasis for 43 patients. The treatment was: surveillance (n = 33), total laparoscopic radical prostatectomy (n = 24), surgical hormone therapy (n = 10), medical hormone therapy (n = 28) and chemotherapy coupled with hormone therapy (n = 5). Conclusion: Prostate cancer is common in Douala;its diagnosis is made late. Radical treatment is possible for localized cancers, hence the interest of early detection.