Objective: Evaluate the role of umbilical artery Doppler ultrasound in the surveillance of pregnancies at risk of vascular disorders in Lomé. Study Method: The study was a cross-sectional analytical study carried out in the department of radiology of Campus teaching hospital over a period of 6 months. This study was based on the measurement of the resistance index of the umbilical artery in pregnant women presenting vascular risk and other pregnant women without vascular risk. The correlation between the pathological index and the at-risk pregnancies was assessed by the Odds Ratio as well as the correlation between the resistance index and the Apgar score at birth. Results: The resistance index was measured in 209 at-risk pregnant women and in 425 pregnant women without vascular risk. The average age of pregnant women was 26.31 years for “the at-risk pregnant” versus 25.38 years for the “pregnant-witnesses”. The association between the pathological resistance index (RI) and the gestational pathologies studied, had been positive and significant with an odds ratio of 1.57 for a 95% confidence interval of [1.07 - 2.20]. A pathological RI is a risk factor for the occurrence of a pathological Apgar score at birth because this association was positive and significant for “pregnant-cases” as for “pregnant-witnesses”. Conclusion: Measuring the index of resistance is not a common practice in our communities. However, it could be an important tool in the surveillance of at-risk pregnancies for diseases such as malaria, pre-eclampsia, and maternal anemia.