What has really happened in Europe since 2014?Why in 2018 are so many migrants still making their way towards Europe?For the first time since the Second World War,an important number of individuals have entered into European soil.The idea for this article goes back to October 2015 when the prefet from the town where I live went in search of asylum seekers.This is what sparked off my inquiry amongst about 50 exiles housed in the annex of the Montmorency(95)hospital in July 2015.But against popular belief,migrants are not accepted fairly into countries,and the geographical distribution of Syrians in Turkey,Lebanon,Jordan,and Europe is contrary to what Kant had defended as a“right to visit”.Although the majority of researchers suggest welcoming migrants,it is necessary to reconsider some methodological and epistemological aspects and get away from some wrongly perceived concepts which dated prior to the year 2000.Yet,the Arab Spring has showed that we are dealing with unfinished post-colonialism,something that we will soon come back to in another article where we will propose another solution.