Introduction: Undescended testis is a genital pathology of pediatric age. But it is not rare that the diagnosis of this pathology is made in adults, especially in low income countries with management problems as Benin Republic. The purpose of this study was to describe the epidemiology and therapeutic aspects of this congenital malformation in adults, in HKM University Teaching Hospital of Cotonou. Material and Method: It was a retrospective, cross-sectional and descriptive study, conducted from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2016. Patient files served as data collecting support. All the patients aged 16 years and older were included in this study, treated and followed in the urology clinic department for undescended testis. Results: Twenty-three files were selected. The most represented age group was 16 to 20 years of age. The average consultation time from the observation of the anomaly was 213.6 months. The vacuity of the scrotum was the main reason for consultation. The absence of an intra-scrotal testis was the most clinical finding. The testis was found in the inguinal canal in 15 patients. Surgical re-positioning testis in scrotal location had been conducted for all patients and the open surgery was the only modality. Orchiectomy was performed in presence of atrophic testis. Any complication was reported in postoperative time. Later, two retractions of the testis and two testicular hypotrophies were seen. Semen control (spermograms) revealed persistence of azoospermia in three patients and astheno-zoospermia in another. Conclusion: Cryptorchidism is a pathology of the child but can still be seen in adults in our context. The main reason for consultation is the vacuity of scrotum but also paternity desire. Surgical lowering is the rule. In adults, its main purpose is the surveillance for the easy and early detection of a testicular tumor.