Urban Traffic Accidents (UTAs) may be seen as discrete events, localized in space and time. UTAs rates all over the world show great disparity, especially between developed and developing countries. Today, the most negative results of urban transportation are UTAs with many side effects such as injuries and loss of lives. UTAs lead to injury, death, disability and pain, loss of productivity, grief, social and mental problems. Proper and deep study and planning can enhance transport and driving safety and reduce number and severity of accidents. Traffic safety crises, death, damage and costs resulting from road UTAs are some of the most important public health and police organization challenges. In particular, UTA’s victims are often people who are aged 15 - 44 years old in Iran, and UTAs are the second cause of death after heart disease in Tehran. UTAs’ statistics in Tehran reveal a serious problem with significant fatality and injury rate. This study aims to identify the spatial pattern of UTAs in the city of Tehran in order to find the causes and consequences as well as the temporal and spatial or spatio-temporal variation of accidents. The relationship between the space and time of daily activities that generate urban daily trips and UTA, is examined in Tehran city for 2010 to 2011. The analysis is based on different primary and secondary data sources, which include locations of accidents and different attributes such as date, reason, kind, etc. Based on the data analysis, the study also attempted to show some light on the major causes, factors and types of accidents in order to identify the problem and suggest appropriate suggestions which reduce UTAs. As this study considered different factors of UTA, urban environment, land use, population, human activities and culture point considered as the most important pillars of this study. In order to understand knowledge, culture and attitudes of drivers towards traffic regulations, questionnaires were distributed to 1500 drivers in the study area to gather data