The corporate governance of public libraries is the key work for a long time in China.As the national pilots,these pilots have provided reference experience and policy foundation,and set good models for boosting exploration of the new corporate governance structure in all kinds of public libraries across the country.However,the proposed corporate governance structure still suffers from issues,such as unbalanced regional development,limited breakthrough innovations,insufficient government support for social forces,and insufficient support for the decision-making power of the boards.Therefore,further development of the corporate governance structure of public libraries in China should focus on the following aims:clarifying the responsibilities for each stakeholder;making a series of matching rules and regulations;establishing and implementing rules for the"Librarianship Foundation"to guarantee the smooth flow of funds;reforming and innovating the personnel system to reflect the contemporaneity and the regional characteristics.With those elements in place,the professional modern public library governance structure that is oriented towards public welfare and based on scientific decisions and a sound incentive-based supervisory system would be built up gradually.Finally,the governance and service efficiency of Chinese libraries would be improved overall.