This paper analyzes the development of the U.S.and the global energy governance mechanism,and the development and characteristics of China’s participation in the global energy governance mechanism.China’s participation in global energy governance has undergone a process from edge to the center.In this process,China has gradually shifted from a passive follower of global energy governance rules to an active participant in governance and shaping rules.The paper also analyzes the causes of friction and conflict in security relations from the aspects of differences in energy security concepts,conflicts between conservative and rising powers,and the struggle between regulation and anti-regulation.The promotion of China’s G20,the Brazil,Russia,India,China,and South Africa(BRICS),the Shanghai Cooperation Organization(SCO),the Asian Investment Bank,the Silk Road Fund,and the United States’system conformity together constitute the basic situation of China-U.S.institutional competition in the field of energy finance.Finally,the paper point out that China and the United States explore institutional arrangements for energy and achieve mutual benefit and win-win results through benign interaction.