Azraq area occupied more than 1400 sq. km in the central part of Jordan. The stratigraphic sequences in the area consist of a lithological bedding of classic and carbonate rocks with representing good factors for oil generation and accumulation. Wadi Sir (WS-2) Sediments have geochemical characteristics of a typical source rocks for oil source rocks which are mature below 9843 ft, and carbonate rocks of Hummar, Shueb, and Wadi Sir-2 formation formations (Turonian Cenomanian age) are a reservoir rocks, where reservoirs are capped by shale and argillaceous limestone which is sufficiently thick to cap underlying reservoir. Twenty wells have been drilled in different blocks in the Azraq area, and oil of 32 API has been discovered in 1982, in the area, and starts natural flow production about 1500 bbl/day from few wells, then production start decreasing due to lower reservoir pressure, then sucker rod pumps were used to produce oil. In this study, the regional maturity of the Wadi Sir-2 sediments appear that mature oil generation sources rocks occur within the northwesterly trending depression of the area where maturity of WS-2 sediments below 9843 ft occurs, these mature source rocks amount to about 220 sq. km, based on average thickness of 108.27 ft for WS-2 sediments and extractable organic matter that was determined 3008 ppm. The volumetric method indicates that the total oil in place in the area is 480215 tons, taking a primary recovery factor of 12% then the total recoverable oil is 57,625 tons, while the cumulative oil producing is 53,137 tons.