OBJECTIVES: In the very high risk obstetric cases of placental abruption, expediting delivery is of utmost urgency, since the complications are related to the abruption delivery interval. Before the introduction of prostaglandins for labor induction, it was a routine practice to do amniotomy and use oxytocin drip to accelerate labor when vaginal delivery was contemplated. We present 116 cases of placental abruption, including the severe cases, managed in the year 2006 during a period of 8 months, at Modern Government Maternity Hospital, which was the biggest maternity hospital in the combined state of Andhra Pradesh, and is the biggest in the state of Telangana, attached to Osmania Medical College. The role of prostaglandin E1 (PGE1), for cervical ripening and labor induction/augmentation has been analyzed in this observational study. A variety of variables including age, parity, gestational age, severity of abruption and maternal and fetal status, associated preeclampsia, Bishop score, availability of blood and blood products, associated complications, all factors influence the management adopted. MATERIAL METHODS: The response to PGE1 induction has been studied in terms of efficacy, the total number of doses of vaginal PGE1 in relation to parity, induction delivery interval, successful vaginal delivery rate, the indications for caesarean delivery, perinatal outcome and complications. A decision was made for either abdominal delivery or vaginal delivery on a case to case basis. A routine amniotomy was performed when the cervical os was open, both for confirmation of diagnosis and to release intra uterine pressure, and also it would help in the acceleration of labor. When the Bishop score was more than six, amniotomy was performed and an oxytocin intravenous drip was started. If the Bishop score was less than six, 25/50 mcg. Misoprostol (PGE1) was placed high in the vagina. OBSERVATIONS: Primies that had abruption were 27/116 = 23.27% and multies were 89/116 = 76.72%. In our study 68/116, (58.62%) had preeclamsia