The total number of watercourses in Pakistan is about 110,000 and particularly in Sindh it is about 46,699, out of which 7576 have been lined from 1977 to 1998 and from 2004 to 2015;22,479 have been lined and the remaining 16,644 still require improvement. At the current rate of progress, the lining of remaining watercourses would further take about 21 years. As designed life of the improved watercourse is about 25 years. By the time of ending of many watercourse improvement programs, there will again require the rehabilitation on many of the earlier watercourse lining schemes. Generally two types of watercourse lining are practiced in Sindh i.e. Rectangular Lined Watercourses (with single and double brick walls) and Trapezoidal Concrete Lined Watercourses. Because of efficient, effectiveness, easy maintenance and repair work, the Rectangular Lined Watercourse is more frequently practiced in Sindh. It is now suggested that: to renovate the watercourses an accelerated program should be started and the system (with the sense of terms and conditions) for renovation of watercourses program should also be changed. The research work towards different types of lining materials for watercourse should be conducted. Looking to the brief review it is suggested that a fiber glass type plastic material with semi-circular or U-shaped, pre-cast fabricated RCC Trapezoidal or Parabolic in place of brick mortar and concrete could be used for watercourse lining. This methodology, proposed to be used, will enable us to determine cost-benefit ratio, life span and such other parameters for its feasibility under variable climatic conditions of Sindh (North Sindh being dry and hot, while South Sindh semi-humid and warm).