Nitrogen deposition was simulated from July 2014 to August 2015 in the grassland, woodland, and woodland-grassland border in Zhuqudeng Village, Bujiu Township, Linzhi County,(CK, 0 kg·hm2·a-1; LN, 25 kg·hm2·a-1, MN, 50 kg·hm2·a-1; HN, 150 kg·hm2·a-1). NH4NO3 was used as nitrogen source to analyze the number of microorganisms in soil layers of 0–20 cm and 20–40 cm and explore the effect of different degrees of nitrogen deposition on soil microorganisms in grassland, woodland, and woodlandgrassland border. The results showed that: the number of bacteria in the grassland increased significantly under the treatment of LN, and the number of bacteria in the woodland-grassland border and woodland had a rising response under the influence of nitrogen deposition; the number of actinomycetes in the grassland increased in MN and HN treatment, and significantly increased in the border and woodland under LN treatment; the number of molds decreased sharply in the grassland, woodland, and woodland-grassland border.