Since Fujita first described uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) in 1981,UPPP and its modified procedures have been widely used to treat obstructive sleep apnea and hyponea syndrome (OSAHS).However,despite of its wide application,the success rates was uncertain,ranging from 20% to 80%,with patients of varing Friedman stages.It is well known that the principle of UPPP is to remove the redundant tissue of palate,elongated uvula and hypertrophic tonsils in order to widen the anteroposterior space at the level of palate.But recently,surgeons have found that not only the collapse of soft palate but also the collapse of lateral wall at the palate level can contribute to the obstruction of upper airway at the level of palate.As a result,many surgeries which can widen the lateral velopharyneal space have sprung up in these years.This review focuses on the development of techniques that emphasize the enlargement of lateral velopharyneal space in patients with OSAHS.