In reactor,FIV study is still a hot topic Nowadays.However,many experts keep a viewpoint of the combination between theorum model and semi-emprical equation for the FIV mechanism study.Many papers,including monographys about FIV study,already appeared.A preliminary idea is that FIV mechanism is divided into turbulent excitation,vortex shedding,fluidelastic instability and acousitc reasonance,etc.[1−4].According to the flow form of fluid in reactor,the vibration mechanism can be thought vibration induced by transverse flow,axial flow,leakage flow.In previous reactors designed in home and abroad,there have been many accidents caused by FIV.Tsinghua Unversity have reviewed the FIV mechanism in detail[5;6],who are from China Nuclear Power Institute,sumerized FIV problem in nuclear power plant,including conveying flow pipe FIV and numerical simulation method.These work mainly study FIV phenomena and method,but little attetion to FIV effect and experiment measurement techniques.