The country’s economic development determines the political and cultural status.At the present time,China’s rapid economic development has greatly improved the country’s international prominence.Although China has high economic and political achievements,China’s cultural soft power is still in a weak position.Cultural soft power is of great significance in improving the country’s overall national strength and international competitiveness.Research organizations are an important part of the country’s soft power and are of great significance to the strengthening of national soft power.Research organizations are the“peripheral brain”in the decision-making process of the government.National government agencies need democratic science in making decisions,and the adopted policy methods must have positive and effective outcomes on the people.Therefore,the national government agencies cannot achieve this without the help of research organizations.This resulted in the development and rising construction of research organizations.With the comprehensive development and construction of research organizations,whilst making progress,has also exposed several shortcomings.The construction of China’s research organizations requires various supports;especially the intelligence agencies and access to library information,which has a unique advantage in promoting the construction of research organizations[1].This paper first introduces the definition,classification and characteristics of a research organization.It will also provide a preliminary understanding of research organizations.The paper will then highlight and analyze the problems encountered by the research organization.Finally,through the grasp of the advantages of the library and intelligence agencies,a solution is proposed.