Heavy metals pose a serious risk to the environment and living biota. Potstudies were carried out to determine the competence of Fe-coated ricehusk in Pb spiked soils vegetated with Ricinus communis. Physicochemicalproperties of Fe- coated rice husk ash (Fe-RHA) were characterizedon dry weight basis. Pot experiments were carried out with seedlings ofR.communis for 60 days amended with Fe-RHA (0, 2.5% and 5% w/w)and Pb(NO3) [0, 400 and 800 mg kg?1]. Addition of Fe-coated rice huskash to Pb cntaminated soils improved soil pH and fertility. Treatment with5% Fe-RHA decreased Pb accumulation in roots by 84%. Addition of Fe-RHA significantly (p<0.05) increased plant physiological parameters suchas height, leaf diameter, nodes, and leaf number by 64%, 49%, 62% and66% and chlorophyll contents (12–29%) compared to unamended plants.Our findings conclude that Fe-RHA is a low-cost, environmentally friendlyand efficient adsorbent for stabilization of Pb spiked soils.