We propose a global warfare model that integrates the models of the whole tensor-centric warfare series, represented as a high-dimensional entangled warfare category. Its underpinning metaphysics is “entangled fusion”: this is the macroscopic entanglement concept inspired by high-dimensional (HD) quantum computation (the “quantum brain”), in which any number of entangled wave-functions can be highly correlated, with neuron-like signaling among them. From this entangled perspective, war and battle is seen essentially as a holistic phenomenon: if any one of a set of mutually entangled warring parties is removed from the equation, then the war as it is instantly stops, possibly to be replaced by a new conflict between the remaining parties but distinct from that which it supplants. The formal global warfare framework developed in this paper expresses this fundamental idea of arbitrary many interrelated/entangled conflicts, each of them defined by its own battle-manifold (with warfighting tensor fields acting on it) and occurring (more-or-less) simultaneously on the planet;we call this entangled category