Introduction:Tuberculosis stays one of public health failure in developing countries.Lymph node infection is the most frequent localization of extrapulmonary tuberculosis but its localization in parotid gland is rare.The aim of this study is to report a dilemma to diagnose parotid gland tuberculosis about three cases.Patients:The first patient was a woman who presented tender swelling in parotid area for about 8 months.The second patient was a child aged 5 years old with inflammatory parotid gland swelling.Then the last one was a woman aged 25 years old with parotid non-inflammatory node.All of them did not have more clinical feature of tuberculosis such as fever nor weight loss.Gene Xpert and histology of aspiration liquid and specimen after surgery confirmed the tuberculosis diagnosis and anti-tuberculosis treatment had offered good result.Conclusion:There is no consensus about the mean of diagnosis but those cases showed that Gene Xpert with aspiration liquid can speed up the diagnosis delay.Despite of that,there are cases which really need surgery and histology to confirm tuberculosis.