The observable universe together with the observer, both on sufficiently large scale, succeeds in their self-entaglement and paradoxical inconsistency. For consistency, the observable universe and the observer have to be on different scale (size) provided, the cosmological principle is preserved as an approximation in a limit. The point is the univers’ principle itself. Our proposal for the disentaglement is superimposition out of complexity. The distance contraction, as observed in electrical soundings over horizontally stratified earth (static system), is identified as a counterpart of Doppler shift in dynamical systems. An alternative answer to the question about an effective cause of the Doppler shift sounds the heterogeneities under superimposing scales. The energy propagating in stratified universe exhibits a shift which could be attributed not only to the expansion but alternatively to fluctuations across different scales. When nothing is said or predetermined about kinematics of a system, both causes might share in the effect. It opens different static and kinematic possibilities, which challenge established theories of energy/information transmission and/or sounding at a distance as well as pertinent technology in prospect.