This study aims to explore dimensions of quality of work life (QWL) of pilots by using an exploratory factor analysis (EFA). The sample was 400 pilots who are currently working for an airline based in Thailand. The items using in this study were generated using input from three sources. First, using input from commercial pilots who had a minimum of total 5,000 flying hour and currently working for either premium or low cost airlines in Thailand. Second, translated quality of work life items from a published research on Quality of Work Life of Personnel at Dhurakij Pundit University by Chatthai (2016). After the content analysis, the left items for the EFA analysis were 30 items. The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) demonstrated at 0.93. The exploratory factor analysis was to examine the loading patterns of QWL items. A principal component and orthogonal rotation (Verimax method) were chosen. It showed there were five structural factor patterns. The five factors were labored as “Human Resource Management”;“Social Relation”;“Safe Working Environment”;“Work-Life Balance”;and “Fairness and Respect”. Discussion and future research are also discussed.